Wednesday, 8 July 2015

smu assignment of BSC IT sem 1st C Programming and Data Structures

Q. No.1 Write an algorithm to check whether a given number is even or odd number and after that draw the flowchart.
Step 1
Step 2
Input A
Step 3

Print “The Number is Even”


Print “The Number is Odd”

[End of if Structure]
Step 4

Flow cha
Q. No.2 Explain the structure of the C program.
Answer: Please follow the sequence of instruction that should be maintained to be a C Programmer.
Let us start with the compulsory portion, that is, the main function body. In the main function, there are a number of parts out of which the basic parts are as follows:
(1) Starting of main function: The compulsion function is the main function that would be done a
// program for addition of two integer numbers
void main()

      (2) Variable declaration
To declare variable wse must have the awareness of variable name convention, data type and syntax for declaration etc.
int a,b,c;
Or can initialize value at the time of declaration as:
int a=20,b=40,c;

(3) Message for accepting value
To display the values or message into the screen or to file we have several functions called output functions. The functions are given below:
printf(),sprint(),cprintf(),puts(),putw(),fwrite(),fprintf() etc.
The syntax of print() is given below:
printf(“message/scan format”, [list of variables]);
Note: The scan format varies upon the type of variables. The following statement will show user a message that prompt the user to enter values through keyboard.
     printf(“Please enter two values:”);

(4)Inputs from the Keyboard
To input the data into the program, we have a number of function called input function which are given below:
scanf(), gets(), getch(), getche(), getc(), getw() etc.
The syntax of scan() is given below and others will be discussed later.
Scan(“scan format”, &variables);
Note: The scan format varies upon the type of variables. The following statement will accept two integer values from keyboard and store to variables a and b [enter two values in the same line separated by space]. 
scanf(“%d %d, &a,&b”);

    (5) Process according to problem given
Now we need to add the two numbers. So we need the knowledge of the operation and expression. Here we need the arithmetic operator ‘+’ for addition.

(6)Show Output on monitor
To display the output, we again need the output function which has been discussed earlier. The statement is
printf(“The sum of %d and %d is = %d”, a,b,c);

(7)Closing of the main function
Now the time to close the main program and run the program for desired output. Close the main function with a ‘}’ as given below:

Q. No.3 What is structure? What is its importance? Explain with an
example how to declare and initialize structure.
Answer: A structure is a collection of one or more variable, possibly of different data-types, grouped together under one name. Structure provides a means to organize related data into single unit. Structure are suitable for managing arrays of related variables.
When we require to handle large amount of heterogeneous data which has some relationship among themselves we go for structures. Structures help to place the related data element into a single unit. Disadvantage of arrays is element must be of same type. If we want to store data of different types, we need to create arrays of different types. This forces to store the related data across different array variables. These kinds of problem can be solved by making use of structure. A structures definition creates a format that may be used to declare structure variables.
Declaration of structure
Each and every structures must be defined or declared before it appears in the program. It does not occupy any memory space.
struct< structure name>
       <type n><field/data n>;
Syntax to declare structure type variable:
struct< structure name><variable name>;
Example 1:
struct student
      int roll;
      char name[30];
     char address[30];
     char city[15];
     int marks;
struct student stu;
Initialization OF Structure
 Initialization a structure data type, while declaration, is similar to that of a static data type.
Example 2:
struct student rec = {10,”Avinda”, “Ray Apartment”, “Bangalore”,560};
Sometimes we can create structure type variable with the keyword typedef
    typedef struct<structure name>
      <type n><field/data n>;
Q. No.4 What do you mean by dynamic memory allocation? Explain the three functions for dynamic memory allocation in C language.
Answer: C language requires the number of element in an array to be specified at compile time. Many languages permits a programmer to specify an array’s size at run time . Such language have the ability to calculate and assign, during execution, the memory space required by the variable in a program. The process of allocating memory management functions so that memory can be allocated dynamically.
The three different functions used in dynamic memory allocation are:
·         Malloc()
·         Calloc()
·         Realloc()
malloc(): Allocates request size of bytes and return a pointer to the first byte of the allocated space. In the other sense, this function reserves a block of money of specified size and return a pointer of type void. This means that we can assign it to any type of pointer.
<pointer>=(type_cast*)malloc(size in bytes);
int n = 5
 int*p = (int*)malloc (n*sizeof(int));

               p+0                    p+1                    p+2                    p+3                 p+4

calloc(): allocates space for an array of elements, initializes them to zero and then returns a pointer to the memory. In other sense, this function allocates a single block of storage spaces, calloc() allocates multiple blocks of storages, each of the same size, and then sets all the bytes  to zero.
Syntax: <pointer>=(type_cast*)calloc (n,size in bytes in each row);
Example: int n=4, m=5,*p;
p=(int*) calloc(n,m*sizeof(int));

Realloc(): modifies the size of previously allocated space
Syntax: <pointer>=(data type) realloc (new size in bytes);
Example: int n=4,*p;

            p+0                                    p+1                         p+2                         p+3
in case of realloc() function, the memory allocation can be changed i.e. increased or decreased. The previous value will preserve, if new size is greater than the previous one. We can use “à” to access the element of structure through pointer.
Q. No.5 Write C program to implement stack using arrays.
#define STACK_SIZE 5
Void main()
  /***************function prototype************/
void push(int, int*, int*);
int pop(int*,int*);
void display(int,int*);
int top;            /*Points to top of the stack*/
int s[10];      /*Holds the stack items*/
int item;       /*Items to be inserted or deleted item*/
int choice;          /*user choice for push, pop and display*/
top = -1;            /*Stack is emty to start with*/
for(;;)                /*Infinite loop*/
printf(“\t\t STACK OPERATION\n”);
printf(“\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n”);
printf(“\t\t 1: Push\n”);
printf(“\t\t 2: Pop\n”);
printf(“\t\t 3:Display\n”);
printf(“\t\t 4:Enter the choice: ”);scanf(“%d”, &choice); 
Case 1:                // push operation  
     Printf(“\n\nEnter the item to be inserted: ”); scanf(“%d”,&item);
     Push(item, &top, s);
case2:                   // pop operation
      item = pop(&top, s);
       if (item==0)
                  printf(“stack is empty\n”);
                printf(“POP Successfully, Deleted Item=%d\n”,item”);
case3:                   //display
       display(top, s);
case4:              // exit from program
default:               // invalid input
     printf(“Invalid input- try again”);
} /*End of the loop*/
/*********************end of push()*******************/
int pop(int*top, int s[])
             int item;
             if (*top==-1)
                   Return 0;           /*indicates empty stack*/
    item = s[(*top)-];/* Access the item and delete */
   return item; /* Sends the deleted to the calling function*/
 /******************end of pop()*********************/
void display(int top, int s[])
{           int i;
           if(TOP == -1)
               Printf(“Stack is empty\n”);
  Printf(“\n\n\n\t\t Contents of the STACK\n\n”);
  For (I =top; i>0; i-)
      printf(“\t\t\t|%5d |\n, s[i]”);
}/***************end of the displays()**********************/
      Q. No.6 What do you mean by binary tree? Explain the storage representations of binary tree.
 Answer:  In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children. Typically, the child nodes are called left and right. Binary tree are commonly used to implement binary search trees and binary heaps.
A Binary tree T is defined as a finite set of elements, called nodes such that,
a.     T is empty, called NULL tree or empty tree
b.     T contains a distinguished node R, called Root of 1 and the remaining nodes of T from an ordered pair of disjoint binary tree T1 and T2.
c.      The node contains max two children.
The binary tree is a tree in which no node can have more than two subtrees. In order words, a node can have 0, 1, or 2 subtrees, in other words, a tree in which every parent has one or two children(but not mare than that) is call as binary   Fig. binary tree with any number of nodes
Storage Representation:
The tree can be represented using sequential allocation technique(using arrays) or by allocating the memory for a node dynamically (using linked allocation technique). In a linked allocation technique a node in a tree has three fields:
·        info which contains the actual information
·        link which contains address of the subtree
·        rlink - contains address of the right subtree.
So, a node can be represented using structure as shown below:
struct node
    int info;
     struct node *llink;
     struct node *rlink;
typedef struct node* NODE;
Memory can be allocated or de-allocated using the function getnode() and freenode (). A tree can also be represented using the array, which is called sequential representation(array representation). Consider the following fig. as example:
                             Fig. A Sequential representation of a tree
The different ways in which a tree can be represented using an array is shown below.
·        In the first representation shown below, some of the location may be used just some may not be used. For this, a flag field namely, used is used just to indicate whether a memory location is used to represent a node or not. If flag field used is 0, the corresponding memory location is not used and indicates the absence of node at that position. So, each node contains two fields:
·        info where the information is stored
·        used indicates the performance or the absence of a node.

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