Tuesday, 13 December 2016

MCA 6th Sem Assignment of advanced web programming


Question No. 1 What is difference between ordered list and definition list?
Ordered list:
Ordered list begins with<ol> and ends with </ol> and like unordered lists uses <li> tag to mark the beginning of each list item. Ordered lists are suitable for creating simple outlines or step-by-step instructions because the list items are automatically numbered by the browser.
<li>ordered list 1</li>
<li> ordered list 2</li>
. . .
<li> ordered list n</li>
In case of ordered list type attribute is used to set ‘a’ for lowercase letters, ‘A’ for uppercase letters, ‘i’ for lowercase roman numerals and ‘I’ for uppercase roman numerals. To start ordering from the letter d, you would use <ol type="a" start="4"> because d is the fourth letter. Like unordered list ordered lists can be nested.
Definition Lists:
A definition list is a structure which is used in such case where the author wishes to present a single term or phrases followed by content related to the term. Definition lists are enclosed within <dl> and </dl>. Each term being defined within dl element is indicated by a <dt> element, which is derived from "definition term." Each definition itself is defined by <dd>. Neither the dt nor the dd elements require a close tag under traditional HTML. A generic definition list looks like this:
<dd> Bachelor of Computer Application</dd>
<dd> Master of Computer Application</dd>
Sample program to demonstrate the use of different type of lists:

<body bgcolor=“#FFFFFF”>
<p><font size= “14”><b><u>Unordered Lists </font></p></b></u>
<li>unordered list 1
<li type=“circle”>nested unordered list 1a</li>
<li type=“square”>nested unordered list 1z</li>
<li> unordered list 2</li>
<li> unordered list 3</li>
<p><font size= “14”><b><u> Ordered Lists </font></p></b></u>
<li> ordered list 1</li>
<li> ordered list 2</li>
<li> ordered list 3</li>
<p><font size= “14”><b><u>Definition Lists </font></p></b></u>
<dt>BCA:</dt><dd><i> Bachelor of Computer Application</dd>
<dt>MCA:</dt><dd> Master of Computer Application</dd> </i>

Question No. 2 What is XSL-FO? List the steps to create a XSL-FO document.
XSL is a language for expressing style sheets. An XSL style sheet is, like with CSS, a file that describes how to display an XML document of a given type. XSL shares the functionality and is compatible with CSS2 (although it uses a different syntax). It also adds A transformation language for XML documents: XSLT. Originally intended to perform complex styling operations, like the generation of tables of contents and indexes, it is now used as a general purpose XML processing language. XSLT is thus widely used for purposes other than XSL, like generating HTML web pages from XML data. Advanced styling features, expressed by an XML document type which defines a set of elements called Formatting Objects, and attributes (in part borrowed from CSS2 properties and adding more complex ones.
  • XSL-FO is a language for formatting XML data
  • XSL-FO stands for Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects
  • XSL-FO is a W3C Recommendation
  • XSL-FO is now formally named XSL

Creating an XSL-FO document
Let us summarized steps to create a XSL-FO document:
1.     Type <?xml version="1.0"?>.

2.    Type <fo:root to define the root element of the XSL-FO document. Notice the fo: namespace prefix; it is defined next.

3.    Then, type xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/ 1999/XSL/Format" to declare the XSL-FO namespace with the fo: prefix.

4.    Finally, type > to close the tag.

5.    Type <fo:layout-master-set> to start the overall structure part of the document.

6.    Type <fo:simple-page-master master-name="master">, where master is the page template name used in Step 10.

7.    Type <fo:region-body/> to declare that this page master will contain content in the body region.

8.    Type </fo:simple-page-master>.

9.    Type </fo:layout-master-set>.

10.  Then, type <fo:page-sequence master-reference="master">, where master is the same name defined in Step 6. This begins the page content part of the document.

11.   Type <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">. Here, xsl-region-body refers to the body region declared in Step 7.

12.  Enter the page content for your final out-put using fo:block elements.

13.  Type </fo:flow>.

14.  Type </fo:page-sequence>.

15.  Finally, type </fo:root> to complete the XSL-FO document.

Question No. 3  Explain comparison between XML and Relational database.
According to latest SQL (Structured Query Language), it includes a new part known as SQL/XML. This part introduces an XMLdatatype and facilities that provide for the composition of XML using data extracted from a relational database and, conversely, for the storage of data extracted from an XML document in a relational database. The XML datatype can be used in the same way as any other datatype, i.e. as a datatype for a column, as a variable or as a parameter for a function.


XML is the abbreviation for Extensible Markup Language. This is an open and popular standard for marking up text in a way that is both machine and human readable. By “marking up text” we mean that the data in the text files is formatted to include meaningful symbols that communicate to a reader what that data is for. The syntax of XML is similar in style to HTML, the markup language of the World Wide Web (WWW). As XML's use increases, it is becoming a common requirement to view traditional relational data as XML. One way of doing this is to provide a virtual XML view over the relational database. This view is provided through the mechanism of annotating an XSD schema that describes the desired XML shape. These annotations contain relational metadata used to translate queries of the XML view into SQL queries, and to transform the SQL query results into the desired XML shape. In this article, we discuss the merits of choosing an XML data model over the more traditional relational data model. We also examine the mapping process and discuss the task of translating between the XML and relational query domains. Finally, we provide an example of mapping an XSD schema to a sample database and querying the virtual XML View.

Relational database
A relational database is a powerful data storage and retrieval technology where data is stored as rows in tables and the database has one or more tables. Each row of a table has the same columns as every other row in that table. Data is related between tables using the concept of “foreign keys” so that data in a row of one table can be associated with one or more rows of another table
Traditional relational database systems are excellent mechanisms for storing normalized, highly structured data. However, it is not always easy to query or manipulate this data model. Database developers have traditionally used the mechanism of relational views and stored procedures to abstract away the complexities of accessing the underlying data—in other words, providing a logical relational view. However, as the logical data model becomes increasingly semistructured (data with some variance), providing a relational view to program against becomes increasingly difficult.
In general, relational databases are excellent persistent storage mechanisms for storing highly structured, normalized data—"square data." But as anyone who has modeled real-world business objects knows, the real world is not square. For instance, consider a typical customer list where there is some variability between customers. One customer has a cell phone, work phone, and home phone; while another has a cell phone and pager number. A typical first attempt at a representation with relational tables uses a column for each property

Data Representation Comparisons

Relational database
Data model

Relational data model, consisting of tabular data entities (tables), with rows and columns.

Hierarchical data model, composed of document structures with element and attribute nodes.

Data types

A wide variety of data types typically are provided, including support for binary data.

XSD schemas are equipped with a comparable set of data types.

Data element relationships

Column definitions can interrelate within and between tables, according to DDL rules.

References can be explicitly or intrinsically defined between elements.

Consider using a relational database within a system to manage and maintain a large data store, or to manage a data store that is regularly updated by various users. Use XML as the format of data that is delivered to client programs and between components of a distributed system. Creating XML documents from relational database queries is a natural way to combine both technologies.

Question No. 4 Differentiate between Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Data Retrieval with example.
Differences Between Synchronous and Asynchronous Transmission

1.     In Synchronous Transmission data is transferred in the form of frames on the other hand in Asynchronous Transmission data is transmitted 1 byte at a time.

2.    Synchronous Transmission requires a clock signal between the sender and receiver so as to inform the receiver about the new byte. Whereas, in Asynchronous Transmission sender and receiver does not require a clock signal as the data sent here has a parity bit attached to it which indicates the start of the new byte.

3.    Data transfer rate of Asynchronous Transmission is slower than that of Synchronous Transmission.

4.    Asynchronous Transmission is simple and economic whereas, Synchronous Transmission is complex and expensive.

5.    Synchronous Transmission is efficient and has lower overhead as compared to the Asynchronous Transmission.
Now you have learnt how to create the XMLHttpRequest object as well as to handle request and response. Now you will learn synchronous vs. asynchronous data retrieval using XMLHttpRequest object. Let’s start with synchronous data retrieval.
Synchronous data retrieval
Now to create an instance of the XMLHttpRequest object, we will use getXmlHttpRequestObject() method. Now this instance is set to the xmlHttpvariable, as shown in the following JavaScript:
<script language= “javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=xmlhttp.js></script>
<script language= “javascript”>
function getXMLDocument(url) {
if(xmlHttp) {
xmlHttp.open(“GET”, url, false);
alert(“Request / Response handled synchronously”);
//here is the method call for getXMLDocument
getXMLDocument (“http://” + location.host + “AJAX/Items.xml”);
As you can see in the above code that all the processing is bundled in the method called getXMLDocument. This method expects an URL of web server as a parameter. After this method is invoked, the getXmlHttpRequestObject() method is called and an instance of XMLHttpRequest is set to the variable xmlHttp. Next, this variable is validated to check if it is null or an instance is associated with it. If this variable holds the instance, the open()method is invoked with three parameters. The purposes of these three parameter is already discussed in above section. In the above JavaScript GET is used as first parameter since we are retrieving an XML file from the server. Second parameter is the URL where location.host property is used. Location is the address of the web server, and host is the port number. Since the third parameter is false, so it signifies a synchronous request. send() method performs the actual request. Note that we’ve specified an alert statement to display a message box that is displayed only after the request is processed and returned from the server. So finally we can say, a synchronous operation that is similar to the normal request/response process in any web application.
Asynchronous data retrieval
The main difference with synchronous data retrieval is in third parameter of open() method. As discussed earlier if the value if set to true, it indicates it as asynchronous mode of retrieval. See the following JavaScript:
function getXMLDocument(url) {
if(xmlHttp) {
xmlHttp.open(“GET”, url, true);
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = processRequest
function processRequest(url) {
if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4) {
//Processing…to be done here........
alert(“Request / Response handled Asynchronously”);
When it is asynchronous mode of data retrieval it implies that the user need not wait until the script has completed execution on the server. After the state has been changed, it triggers the callback method associated with the on ready statechange event. In the above example, the request to url on the server is done asynchronously, and a callback method called processRequest is set to the onreadystatechange event. The processRequestmethod on the client is executed accordingly. Process request method part is highlighted in the above code. In the above example process state is set to 4, which is readyState property; signifies the state as ‘complete’.
Question No. 5 Explain any five new features of HTML5.

1.   Semantic tags

HTML5 introduces a set of new tags that help to define the semantics, or meaning, of your web page content. Some of such tags are <nav>, <heading>, <footer>. <nav> is used for defining sections that include site navigation, and <heading> is used to define the titles and tag lines at the beginning of web pages. Like Microsoft word document <footer> is used to include the copyright information and boilerplate text at the end. These tags make web pages easier to understand by search engines, enabling them to generate more useful search results. The tags also help web browsers to determine the most important parts of web pages; if there is limited room on the screen, web browsers will know what content to feature more prominently.

2.  Richer multimedia

Another very interesting feature of HTML5 is a new <video> tag. It helps to embed video clips into web pages and an <audio> tag to mix sound. In the past, developers used the nonstandard <embed> tag and the generic <object> tag for adding multimedia. The <embed> and <object> tags used to pass the duties to third-party plugins for playing the video or sound. Web browsers that support the new <video> and <audio> tags include native support for certain video and audio files, which means the browsers play the content directly. In that case third party plugins is not required. As an added advantage using these tags, web developers can create custom player controls, style the media with CSS, and more. Exact use of these tags will be discussed in detail later.

3.    Drawing on canvases

Suppose you want to create an drawing area on your web page. This new <canvas> tag enables you to define a rectangular (or any shape) area on your web page. You can use scripting commands to create shapes, draw straight and curved lines, apply color gradients, and even add images or parts of images within the area. In the past, designers needed to create such visual content in a separate image editor or drawing program and then embed the result as an image. With HTML5, you can create drawings using the <canvas> tag and JavaScript. The drawings can change depending on the data that a user submits or actions performed on the page.

4.    Attractive forms

HTML5 adds a number of new input elements for web forms. For example, you can create text fields that accept only e-mail addresses or web URLs. If a user submits a form with invalid data entered into such fields, you can highlight the form field using CSS styles. Some web browsers also pop up alert text when you submit wrong data. New time elements in HTML5 display menus for setting a date, month, week, or time in a form. There is also a new slider element that allows users to select a value from within a range of numbers by clicking and dragging a control. These new features mean that developers can provide rich functionality in their web forms with simple HTML5 tags. Previously, developers have had to resort to using complicated, custom scripts to provide such features.

5.    GeoLocation
By using the GeoLocaton feature web page can retrieve the latitude and longitude of the user's computer. Earlier this feature was not so useful when everyone was using the Internet with their desktop PC. There are not many things that we need the road level location accuracy of the user. We can get the rough location by analysing the IP address. These days, more and more users are going on the Internet with their powerful smartphones. Webkit and other modern mobile browsers are in everyone's pocket. GeoLocaton lets us design mobile applications and games to play with the location.

Question No. 6 Explain the following:
a) Window event attributes.
b) Form event attributes.

Window Event Attributes

HTML5 added several attributes to the body element that are used to perform an action on the browser window. Lists all the window event attributes along with brief explanation of each event.
Events triggered for the window object (applies to the <body> tag):

Script to be run after the document is printed
Script to be run before the document is printed
Script to be run when the document is about to be unloaded
Script to be run when an error occurs
Script to be run when there has been changes to the anchor part of the a URL
Fires after the page is finished loading
Script to be run when the message is triggered
Script to be run when the browser starts to work offline
Script to be run when the browser starts to work online
Script to be run when a user navigates away from a page
Script to be run when a user navigates to a page
Script to be run when the window's history changes
Fires when the browser window is resized
Script to be run when a Web Storage area is updated
Fires once a page has unloaded (or the browser window has been closed)

Form Events Attributes

As we have already studied forms using HTML5 in the previous units, so we are aware that forms is a very important feature of web page design. Several actions are associated with HTML forms. Users might add incorrect data, miss required rows, and so on. Few of form attributes we have used already like, onchange, onfocus, oncontextmenu, etc,. Let us see few event handlers used on HTML5
Events triggered by actions inside a HTML5 form (applies to almost all HTML5 elements, but is most used in form elements):
Fires the moment that the element loses focus
Fires the moment when the value of the element is changed
Script to be run when a context menu is triggered
Fires the moment when the element gets focus
Script to be run when an element gets user input
Script to be run when an element is invalid
Fires when the Reset button in a form is clicked
Fires when the user writes something in a search field (for <input="search">)
Fires after some text has been selected in an element
Fires when a form is submitted


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